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Corporate Services by Tricor Indonesia

Tricor Indonesia’s corporate services division are experts in corporate governance. We help your organization to navigate the complex requirements of prevailing laws and regulations governing businesses and other entities. Our clients include publicly-listed companies, multinationals and their internationally-incorporated subsidiaries, non-government organizations and fund structures. We are well-equipped to take care of both routine and extraordinary matters effectively and efficiently on behalf of your organization.

Leaflets - Corporate Services


We provide guidance to companies looking to start a business or establish a branch office in Indonesia.


Reporting Compliance

We help clients design, implement and enforce comprehensive enterprise-wide compliance programs to reduce their potential legal exposure.



We can handle various types of liquidations and help decide on the optimal processes given your organization’s unique circumstances.


License Monitoring & Support

Our team of highly experienced practitioners can help determine which licenses you need and guide you through application processes.


Board & Shareholder Meetings

We assist the boards of shareholders, from listed companies as well as family-owned or capital-controlled companies, with various processes.